
The future of learning: Competency-based education and skill mastery

ByHindustan Times
Nov 11, 2023 11:23 AM IST

This article is authored by Shivam Dutta, CEO and co-founder, AlmaBetter.

The introduction of innovative pedagogy in today's education landscape has made the one-size-fits-all approach to learning a distant past. Furthermore, Competency-Based Learning (CBL) stands at the forefront of this educational revolution, reshaping how we perceive and engage with knowledge. CBL is a powerful tool that personalises learning, nurturing, and mastery skills in a way that transcends traditional education. The National Education Policy (NEP) 2020 for India also emphasises competency-based education as a crucial aspect of the education system. In the words of Nelson Mandela, "Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world." With CBL, we empower students to change the world.

Learning (Shutterstock) PREMIUM
Learning (Shutterstock)

One of the fundamental tenets of CBL is that it allows learners to progress at their own pace. The conventional classroom structure often forces learners to keep up with a predetermined curriculum, leaving some students struggling to grasp the material. CBL flips this narrative. Learners have the freedom to take the time they need to master a particular competency, ensuring a deep understanding of the subject matter. For instance, learners grappling with complex mathematical concepts might feel frustrated with traditional teaching. However, with CBL, they can slow down their learning process and take the necessary time to comprehend each competency thoroughly. In the world of CBL, progress is a reward for mastery. Students must demonstrate their complete understanding of a competency before they are allowed to move on to the next. It prevents hastily advancing to the next topic, ensuring that learners don't merely skim the surface of a subject. Instead, they build a strong foundation.

One of the beauties of CBL lies in its flexibility. It acknowledges that each learner is a unique individual with distinct interests, goals, and prior knowledge. CBL allows them to choose their learning pathways, tailoring their education to their needs. This element of choice makes learning more relevant and engaging. Students who find purpose in their learning journey are more likely to excel. Whether a learner dreams of becoming a computer programmer, an artist, or a scientist, CBL allows them to focus on competencies that align with their aspirations.

It also encourages self-directed learning. In this model, learners take responsibility for their education, becoming the architects of their learning journey. They can set goals, monitor progress, and make informed decisions about when and how to study. When students have the autonomy to design their education, they are more engaged and better prepared for the challenges they might face in their future. Regular assessments and feedback are integral to the CBL experience. These assessments are not just a measure of proficiency; they serve as personalised guides on mastery. They help learners identify their strengths and weaknesses, allowing them to manage their learning process and concentrate on areas that need improvement.

Imagine a student receiving feedback on their writing. Traditional grading might leave them with a letter grade and little insight into what they need to work on. CBL, however, provides specific feedback, pinpointing areas for improvement. This targeted guidance accelerates mastery and empowers learners to refine their skills effectively. Competencies in CBL are often aligned with real-world skills and applications. This fundamental connection to practical relevance is a motivational force. Learning becomes more than an abstract exercise; it prepares for real-life challenges and opportunities.

CBL is not just about acquiring knowledge; it's about developing skills that have long-lasting value. Skills like critical thinking, problem-solving, and adaptability are integral components of CBL. These skills are not confined to the classroom but extend to all facets of life, contributing to lifelong learning. In a world where the only constant is change, these skills are invaluable. They empower learners to navigate the uncertainties of the future with confidence.

CBL prioritises the mastery of competencies over mere memorisation. Instead of learning to pass an exam, learners understand the core concepts and retain them over time. CBL promotes the kind of learning that stays with students for life. By requiring students to demonstrate their comprehension, CBL ensures that knowledge isn't just superficial. It is a part of the student's intellect, ready to be deployed whenever needed. This deep understanding is the essence of skill mastery.

Personalised learning pathways and the relevance of competencies to personal goals increase learner engagement. Imagine a student studying history - instead of passively absorbing a standardised curriculum, they have the freedom to explore historical periods and events that genuinely captivate their interest. This engagement makes learning more enjoyable and develops a genuine passion for the subject.

CBL is a powerful bridge between education and the workforce. It prepares learners with practical, job-related skills directly applicable to the real world. This connection between education and the job market enhances their employability and career prospects. Consider a student pursuing competencies in digital marketing. In a CBL environment, they learn the theory and have opportunities to work on actual marketing campaigns. This hands-on experience is invaluable, giving them a head start in their career.

CBL is not just beneficial to learners; it empowers educators as well. The data generated from CBL assessments provides invaluable insights. Educators can identify areas where learners struggle, adapt teaching methods, and continually refine the curriculum to enhance skill acquisition and mastery. This data-driven approach to education is a leap forward in the quest for quality teaching. It allows educators to be responsive, getting real-time updates to ensure students receive the support they need to succeed.

CBL is not a mere educational fad; it's a profound shift in how we approach learning and skill acquisition. By personalising the learning experience, CBL empowers students to progress at their own pace, master competencies, and take charge of their education. In a world where adaptability and critical thinking are prized, CBL equips students with the skills and knowledge they need to excel. It fosters a deeper understanding, reduces skill gaps, improves retention, increases engagement, and prepares students for the demands of the workforce. As we continue to explore and adopt new approaches to education, CBL stands as a beacon of hope, personalising the learning experience and cultivating lifelong learners and masters of their craft.

This article is authored by Shivam Dutta, CEO and co-founder, AlmaBetter.

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