
India's obesity epidemic: Cause and impact

Jun 05, 2024 01:29 PM IST

This article is authored by Sigal Atzmon, CEO & founder, Medix Global.

Is obesity morphing into the most critical health menace we face in India today? With the prevalence of obesity at 13.85% and abdominal obesity at an alarming 57.71%, the focus shifts to a multitude of factors such as age, gender, education, wealth, marital status and lifestyle as contributing to the rising trend. With modern urban lifestyles leading to a lack of physical activity, unhealthy diet and excessive consumption of nicotine and alcohol, studies show a significant correlation to an elevated risk of obesity.

Obesity(Shutterstock Image)
Obesity(Shutterstock Image)

As obesity increases across the country, urgent, unified action is required to prevent and prepare for the resulting fallout on health. The link between obesity and a high incidence of chronic conditions or non-communicable diseases (NCDs)) such as hypertension, diabetes, and an increased risk of cancers such as breast, colon, and pancreatic, is well-established. However, obesity doesn’t just affect physical health but also impacts mental health.

Obesity has a significant impact on the individual psyche, but this is frequently underestimated. The societal stigmatisation of obese individuals leads to psychological distress, especially depression. Individuals who are obese tend to exhibit increased depression scores and diminished quality of life compared to individuals whose weight is in the appropriate range for their age and height. Biological processes such as systemic inflammation and the dysregulation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis also play a role in poor mental health outcomes.

Though individuals need to be encouraged to attain a healthy body and mind, bullying, shaming or aggression is never the answer. Studies reinforce the complex, bidirectional relationship between obesity and depression, underscoring the necessity for integrated treatment approaches that address both conditions simultaneously.

In the face of such challenges, it is important to engage in a robust dialogue and initiate comprehensive plans to address and mitigate the consequences of obesity. Understanding the core issue, whether it is binge eating or other disorders, lifestyle factors, or simply a lack of understanding and time to curate healthy meals, are factors that must be factored into the plan. Awareness through education, support, and access to the right resources is part of the way forward.

Economic growth has led to a rise in the standard of living. Globalisation has resulted in exposure aspirations to try different kinds of cuisine with Indian diets seeing significant dietary changes. Eating habits marked by high caloric intake and processed foods are displacing vegetables and grains which have been important components of traditional diets.

These modern diets, laden with fats and sugars, often mimic the addictive properties of substances like nicotine and alcohol, triggering dopamine release that drives cycles of craving and reward. This dietary pattern fosters hormonal imbalances, perpetuating a constant state of hunger and further fuelling the obesity epidemic.

With India's obesity crisis on the rise, the government has an active role to play in policy formulation and implementation. Public health policies must focus on transparency in food labelling and spreading awareness and education on nutrition to promote informed dietary choices and healthier eating habits. Encouraging sports and other forms of physical activity are all important steps in creating awareness of the importance of healthy living. Public-private partnerships with private sector and community-based organisations can play an important role in ensuring the success of these initiatives. With commitment and a focused approach, we can checkmate the obesity crisis and set a course towards a healthier future for India’s future generations.

This article is authored by Sigal Atzmon, CEO & founder, Medix Global.

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