
People want governance not slogans: PM Narendra Modi

Jun 24, 2024 11:23 AM IST

The PM spoke about the need for consensus in running the country, and said he hopes that the opposition will meet the expectations of the electorate

Assuring that the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)-led National Democratic Alliance (NDA) government in its third time will work three times harder to meet people’s expectations, Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Monday said people expect shaasan (governance) and not slogans.

The PM also said it was a day of pride as the oath taking ceremony was taking place in the new Parliament. (PTI photo)
The PM also said it was a day of pride as the oath taking ceremony was taking place in the new Parliament. (PTI photo)

Ahead of the special session of Parliament which begins today, the PM also said it was a day of pride for the country that the oath taking ceremony of the newly elected 18th Lok Sabha is taking place in the new Parliament building.

In his customary address at the beginning of the session, the PM spoke about the need for consensus in running the country, and said he hopes that the opposition will meet the expectations of the electorate.

“We should take steps that are in people’s interest. We expect good decisions from the elected representatives. I hope the opposition will meet what is expected of them...”, he said.

Taking a dig at the opposition that is gearing to corner the government on a host of issues such as the irregularities in the conduct of examinations, price rise, food inflation and the government’s decision to electing BJP MP Bhartruhari Mahtab as the pro tem speaker among others, the PM said while a majority mandate is requisite to form the government, consensus is important to run the country.

“People expect debate, business, they don’t want drama and disturbances. They want saashan not slogans. The country needs a good and responsible opposition, and I am sure they will meet these expectations,” he said.

The opposition parties meanwhile protested inside the complex.

Carrying copies of the Constitution, the opposition members set the stage for confrontation with the government.

Also Read:‘BJP government insulting...’: K Suresh amid pro-tem Speaker row

The PM in his address referred to the government’s agenda of Viksit Bharat by 2047 and said it is our responsibility to fulfill the promise and give people more confidence.

“For the second time in independent India, a government has been elected for the third time and this has happened after 60 years. This is a matter of pride in itself. When the government has been elected for the third time, it means a seal of approval for its neeyat and neeti (intent and policy) and I thank the people for that,” he said.

Underlining the need for consensus to run the House, he said “We want to take all along and by adhering to the Constitution.”

The PM also referred to the Emergency imposed by the Congress government in 1975.

He said June 25, which marks the 50th anniversary of the “black day” in the history of democracy should serve as a reminder of how democracy was throttled, and the Constitution was insulted.

“We should resolve that such an act is never repeated,” the PM said.

Referring to the mandate as “mahan vijay and bhavya vijay” (grand and grand victory), the PM said it is their responsibility that they work three times harder.

“I assure people that in our third term we will work three times harder and produce three times the results,” he said.

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