
Keep subtitles on? Here’s why we say, Aye aye, caption

Jul 25, 2023 02:18 PM IST

Pro tip: Watch everything with the subtitles on. They aren’t just for world cinema. Half the fun is at the bottom of the screen

In his acceptance speech, as he picked up the 2020 Golden Globe award for best foreign-language film for Parasite, South Korean director Bong Joon Ho made a passionate comment about subtitles. “Once you overcome the one-inch-tall barrier [on the screen], you will be introduced to so many more amazing films.” The film went on to win a Best Picture Oscar. It’s pulled in $262 million worldwide. Everyone’s loved the story of a poor family preying on a richer one, and empathised with the class struggle.

Bong Joon Ho’s Korean film Parasite (2020), has won fans and top awards globally because it was subtitled.
Bong Joon Ho’s Korean film Parasite (2020), has won fans and top awards globally because it was subtitled.
That one-inch-tall strip on the screen is now an essential part of the viewing experience. A 2019 survey of 5,616 US consumers by Verizon Media and Publicis Media found that 80% of respondents are more likely to watch an entire video when captions are available.
That one-inch-tall strip on the screen is now an essential part of the viewing experience. A 2019 survey of 5,616 US consumers by Verizon Media and Publicis Media found that 80% of respondents are more likely to watch an entire video when captions are available.
Remember Janice’s signature laugh from Friends? Captions describe it as “braying” and “machine-gun-fire-like-laughter”. It’s a way to enjoy the classic show in a whole new way.
Remember Janice’s signature laugh from Friends? Captions describe it as “braying” and “machine-gun-fire-like-laughter”. It’s a way to enjoy the classic show in a whole new way.
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