
Troubling questions on a wrenching video

Jul 22, 2023 11:59 PM IST

A horrific incident of rape and sexual assault in Manipur has raised questions about the official response, including the police's role and lack of action.

Adjectives cannot convey the horror of what’s happened in Manipur. It’s beyond description. Instead, it’s been seared into our conscience like the dreadful December 16, 2012 gang rape a decade ago. But the May 4 rape and sexual assault are only one deplorable instance. From two different sources, we know there are perhaps five more.

Members of various organisations stage a protest against the ongoing ethnic violence in Manipur in New Delhi on Friday. (PTI) PREMIUM
Members of various organisations stage a protest against the ongoing ethnic violence in Manipur in New Delhi on Friday. (PTI)

For days to come, our attention will be riveted on the gruesome details. Indeed, I fear there is worse to follow. However, today let me focus on some of the questions raised by the official response to the May 4 incident. They’re also disturbing.

The younger of the two women told the Indian Express newspaper, “The police were there with the mob which was attacking our village.” Does that mean our supposed protectors stood by and watched like spectators? She added, “We were given to them (the mob) by the police.” Does this mean, even if outnumbered, the police weakly surrendered? They certainly did not defend the women at the cost of their own safety and lives. But isn’t that what we would have expected?

After handing over the women, how come the police did not summon additional forces? Should that not have been the obvious and immediate response? Not only did that not happen, the women were left to walk seven kilometres to the nearest hospital. At least, at this point, the police should have reappeared and helped?

Now, the first First Information Report was registered on May 18. It was transferred to the appropriate police station on June 21. But the police say they couldn’t act because they did not have evidence and couldn’t identify the perpetrators. Really? Could they not identify the men they handed the women to? Did they forget their faces? The younger woman told the Indian Express she recognised some members of the mob, including a friend of her brother’s. Was that not sufficient? The truth is even till today the police have not recorded the women’s statements, though they told this newspaper that they will do so soon.

Let’s move on. Chief minister (CM) N Biren Singh claims he took suo motu cognisance of this case when he saw the video. Suo motu? The FIR was first filed two months ago.

The chairperson of the National Commission for Women (NCW) has revealed she informed Manipur’s chief secretary (CS) and director general of police (DGP) of this incident on June 19. Did no one tell the CM? And what about the CS and DGP? Why did they not act?

One more point. For two months, the authorities claim they couldn’t act because they couldn’t identify the perpetrators. In the next 24 hours, they arrested four. Is that a response at the speed of summer lightning or yet another question that needs an answer?

Finally, let’s come to NCW. On June 12, it received a letter from the North American Manipur Tribal Association and two Manipuri women activists, which said. “On May 4, two women from B Phainom village of Kangpokpi district of Manipur were disrobed, paraded naked, beaten, and then encircled by a marauding Meitei mob and raped in public.

The state police commandos remained mere spectators… The two survivors are housed at a Churachandpur district relief camp.” I’d say that’s pretty specific and detailed.

However, Rekha Sharma, NCW chairperson, says she couldn’t act because the information was “generic… and not just one specific incident”. She also claims the commission couldn’t send a delegation because of the situation in Manipur. Yet Rahul Gandhi was able to visit. Also, women social activists led by Annie Raja. But not the intrepid commission.

However, to give her her due, Sharma did write to the CS and DGP. They did nothing and she didn’t bother. Does this mean she did the bare minimum required or is even that disputable?

Let me end with one of the comments politicians make when they little realise it might boomerang. In 2017, when the Congress was in power, the Prime Minister tweeted, “Those who cannot ensure peace in the state have no right to govern Manipur.” I wouldn’t quarrel with that.

Karan Thapar is the author of Devil’s Advocate: The Untold Story. The views expressed are personal

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