
Covid-19 in fully vaccinated people: How it progresses, common symptoms to watch out for

Published on Jul 10, 2022 05:55 PM IST
  • A new sub-lineage of Omicron BA.2.75 is said to spread in countries like India. Although most of the people are fully-vaccinated and are not likely to develop serious symptoms, they should watch for these symptoms.
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Covid-19 scare is far from over and a new sub-lineage of Omicron BA.2.75 has been detected in countries like India. As fear of a fresh Covid wave looms large, here are some common Covid symptoms in fully-vaccinated people everyone should be aware of. (Shutterstock) expand-icon View Photos in a new improved layout
Published on Jul 10, 2022 05:55 PM IST

Covid-19 scare is far from over and a new sub-lineage of Omicron BA.2.75 has been detected in countries like India. As fear of a fresh Covid wave looms large, here are some common Covid symptoms in fully-vaccinated people everyone should be aware of. (Shutterstock)

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Covid-19 in fully-vaccinated people progresses differently than those who are not vaccinated. Breakthrough infections are now becoming common but the good thing is that the symptoms are relatively mild and risk of hospitalisation is low.(HT File) expand-icon View Photos in a new improved layout
Published on Jul 10, 2022 05:55 PM IST

Covid-19 in fully-vaccinated people progresses differently than those who are not vaccinated. Breakthrough infections are now becoming common but the good thing is that the symptoms are relatively mild and risk of hospitalisation is low.(HT File)

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Vaccinated people can still spread Covid infection as vaccines do not necessarily prevent one from the disease. So they should continue to follow social distancing and wear mask to protect spreading the infection to the vulnerable group.(AP) expand-icon View Photos in a new improved layout
Published on Jul 10, 2022 05:55 PM IST

Vaccinated people can still spread Covid infection as vaccines do not necessarily prevent one from the disease. So they should continue to follow social distancing and wear mask to protect spreading the infection to the vulnerable group.(AP)

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One of the most common Covid symptoms in vaccinated individuals is sore throat and a majority of people who got jabbed reported this symptom.(Pixabay) expand-icon View Photos in a new improved layout
Published on Jul 10, 2022 05:55 PM IST

One of the most common Covid symptoms in vaccinated individuals is sore throat and a majority of people who got jabbed reported this symptom.(Pixabay)

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The other common symptoms of Covid-19 in the ones who are fully vaccinated are a headache, cough, runny nose, fatigue, sore throat, fatigue, sneezing, fever, muscle pain, or joint pain.(Pixabay) expand-icon View Photos in a new improved layout
Published on Jul 10, 2022 05:55 PM IST

The other common symptoms of Covid-19 in the ones who are fully vaccinated are a headache, cough, runny nose, fatigue, sore throat, fatigue, sneezing, fever, muscle pain, or joint pain.(Pixabay)

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However, severe symptoms such as breathing problems, brain fog, back pain, loss of speech or mobility, confusion, or chest pain are not being reported in fully vaccinated people.(Pixabay) expand-icon View Photos in a new improved layout
Published on Jul 10, 2022 05:55 PM IST

However, severe symptoms such as breathing problems, brain fog, back pain, loss of speech or mobility, confusion, or chest pain are not being reported in fully vaccinated people.(Pixabay)

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Experts say people who are fully vaccinated also do not face any serious long covid symptoms such as memory problems, pounding heartbeat, shortness of breath, pneumonia, gut problems, sleep issues, anxiety, or extreme fatigue (tiredness).(Shutterstock) expand-icon View Photos in a new improved layout
Published on Jul 10, 2022 05:55 PM IST

Experts say people who are fully vaccinated also do not face any serious long covid symptoms such as memory problems, pounding heartbeat, shortness of breath, pneumonia, gut problems, sleep issues, anxiety, or extreme fatigue (tiredness).(Shutterstock)

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