
Shocking story of couple using dead fly to scam restaurants goes viral: 'Disgusting and pathetic'

ByVrinda Jain
Jun 25, 2024 12:56 PM IST

The X user posted how the couple carries a dead fly with them to the restaurant, add it to their meals to avoid paying the bill.

Udit Bhandari, an X user took to the microblogging platform to share a disturbing story about a middle aged couple. He shared how the couple carries a dead fly with them to the restaurant, add it to their meals to avoid paying the bill. Since being posted, the share has gained significant attention. Several people took to the comments section to share their reactions on it.

The X user claimed that the couple would add the dead fly in their meals at the restaurant. (Unsplash)
The X user claimed that the couple would add the dead fly in their meals at the restaurant. (Unsplash)

Bhandari wrote, "Met a middle-aged couple at a party who revealed something quite disgusting. Apparently, it's something they do for fun, as they don't seem tight on money. They have, on several occasions, gone out to dine at 5* restaurants in Delhi/Gurgaon and carried with them a dead fly! Yes, a dead fly!"

He further added, "Halfway into their meal they would quietly slip this into their food & then create a huge fuss over it. The management in a bid to placate them would either not charge for that dish or in most cases make their entire meal free. They were proud to share his 'hack' for getting free meals and said have done this many many times!" (Also Read: Couple swipe free meals over 1 lakh at different restaurants in UK, arrested: ‘Shame on you’)

Take a look at his post here:

This post was shared on June 25. Since being posted, it has gained close to 2,000 views. The post also has various comments. Many people were unhappy to learn about the couple's trick.

Here's how people reacted to it:

An individual wrote, "Yikes! 5-star restaurants in India aren't even that expensive."

Another X user, Abhishek Bhardwaj added, "I am glad that I haven't met anyone like them. I thought these types of people existed only in reel life not real. You should start filtering your circle and the people you meet."

Someone else commented, "My brother used to work in McD part-time long back. He said that many privileged folks come to McD, eat halfway and complain about bread, veggies or ordered something else. They will settle it by replacing another order or providing extra meals as a policy."

A fourth added, "Disgusting, pathetic, that's theft and fraud, shows their upbringing."

X user Vivek shared, "They seem to be not tight on money, but tight on basic civic sense and morality."

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