
India, Iran & Afghanistan: How Pakistan’s ‘Bleed Neighbours With Terrorism’ Policy Has Backfired

Pakistan seems to be caught in a disaster of its own making, facing adversaries on three fronts. Months after cross-border tensions with Iran, now Pakistan & its neighbour Afghanistan conducted strikes on each other's territories. The fresh skirmish with the Taliban is being seen as a consequence of Pakistan’s duplicity vis-a-vis terror. Former Prime Minister of Pakistan, Imran Khan, had praised the Taliban, hoping that Afghanistan would be a strategic pawn against India. However, the strategy seems to have backfired. Islamabad is now struggling to control the Tehreek-e-Taliban, the same group it had raised to fight the Americans in Afghanistan. So, what is the way ahead for Pakistan? Can Pakistan resolve tensions with Iran and Afghanistan in the near future? Watch the latest edition of Hindustan Times’ Point Blank where executive editor Shishir Gupta explains Pakistan’s three-front challenge.

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Monday, July 01, 2024
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