Electronic duo bring immersive visual and sound art experience to Maidenhead

10:43AM, Tuesday 18 June 2024

Electronic duo bring immersive visual and sound art experience to Maidenhead

Credit: Guy Smallman

A live audio-visual performance created by an electronic musician and creative technologist visits Maidenhead next month. 

An-Ting and Ian Gallagher will immerse audiences 'deeply into the light and darkness of nature' through their new show Lost Communications 失絡之聲 at Norden Farm Centre for the Arts on Friday, July 19. 

Lost Communications is an exploration of art, nature and technology. 

Travelling from the UK, through Mongolia, Sichuan and Hong Kong, Ian and An-Ting have recorded the songs of birds as the musical expression of the environments they found themselves in. What might they tell us if we were able to hear?

A fundamental property of the natural world is interaction and communication.

Every species in an ecosystem contributes to the harmonious symphony it is part of. We chose a long time ago to shut ourselves off from this, slowly at first. But with ever-increasing speed, we have closed our hearts. We no longer hear the natural music around us.

An-Ting is a versatile artist who thrives in piano, electronic compositions and various other forms of artistic expression.

Drawing from her life experiences, she weaves diverse encounters into her creation, blending music with other art forms to delve into the depths of the human experience.

Ian Gallagher studies Theoretical Physics at Edinburgh before completing a PhD in Complex Systems at Manchester University.

He was heavily involved in the Manchester music scene as a sound engineer and gig promotor, as well as playing on stage.

He helped found a digital agency before moving to London and becoming an independent app developer and entrepreneur.

Lost Communications is co-commissioned by Videotage (Hong Kong) and Treasure Hill Artist Village (Taiwan).

To book the show at 7.30pm, visit: https://norden.farm/events/lost-communications 

Tickets are £16 | £14 concession.