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40 'Barbie' movie quotes as iconic as the doll herself

It’s Barbie’s world, we’re just living in it (just ask Ken).

Ever since her debut in 1959, the Barbie doll has captured the hearts of children around the world.

When the Barbie movie starring Margot Robbie hit theaters in July 2023, the beloved doll became even more of a cultural icon.

Infused with humor, emotional depth and the color pink, “Barbie” follows one doll's journey from Barbie Land into the Real World, where she battles the patriarchy, helps a mother and daughter reconnect, and finds her purpose.

Beneath its saccharine veneer, “Barbie” delves into some seriously deep topics. Let's be honest: we all shed a tear or two while Billie Eilish's Oscar-winning ballad What Was I Made For played over poignant flashback scenes.

There's no shortage of inspiration, either: America Ferrera's character Gloria stole the show with her passionate monologue about the difficulties of modern womanhood.

Amidst the multitude of Barbies (there's President Barbie, Physicist Barbie, and Lawyer Barbie, to name a few), Ryan Gosling’s Ken has his share of hilarious hijinks —  including an iconic musical number — as he tries to figure out his place in Barbie Land.

Whether you're seen the movie or not, there's a Barbie line that resonates with everyone. These “Barbie” quotes will bring a little bit of movie magic into your world.

Short 'Barbie' movie quotes

  • “It is literally impossible to be a woman.” — Gloria
  • “Every night is girls’ night.” — Ken
  • “Because Barbie can be anything, women can be anything.” — Narrator
  • “Don’t worry — everyone likes me and thinks I’m cool and pretty.” — Barbie
  • “The real world isn’t what I thought it was.” — Barbie
Barbie quotes
  • “Take my hands. Now close your eyes. Now, feel.” — Ruth
  • “Either you’re brainwashed or you’re weird and ugly. There is no in-between.” — Barbie
  • “Barbie has a great day every day. But Ken only has a great day if Barbie looks at him.” — Narrator
  • “No Barbie or Ken should be living in the shadows.” — President Barbie
  • “I’m here to see my gynecologist.” — Barbie
Barbie quotes
  • “There are no multiples of Allan. He’s just Allan.” — Narrator
  • “My job is actually just, you know, Beach.” — Ken
  • “I would never wear heels if my feet were shaped this way!” — Barbie
  • “Do you guys ever think about dying?” — Barbie 

Meaningful ‘Barbie’ movie quotes

  • “All of these women are Barbie, and Barbie is all of these women. She might have started out as just a lady in a bathing suit, but she became so much more.” — Narrator
  • “I have no difficulty holding both logic and feeling at the same time. It does not diminish my powers, it expands them.” — Lawyer Barbie
  • “I’m just so damn tired of watching myself and every single other women tie ourselves in knots so that people will like us.” — Gloria
  • “It’s okay if you’re crying. I cried too. It’s kind of amazing.” — Barbie
  • “Well the real world isn’t perfect, but you inspired me.“ — Gloria
Barbie quotes
  • “We have to always be extraordinary, but somehow we’re always doing it wrong.” — Gloria
  • “Even if you can’t make it perfect, you can make it better.” — Sasha
  • “I want to be part of the people that make meaning, not the thing that’s made. I want to be the one imagining, not the idea itself.” —Barbie
  • “You are so beautiful and so smart and it kills me that you don’t think you’re good enough.” — Gloria
  • “Ideas live forever, humans, not so much. You know that right?” — Ruth
Barbie quotes
  • “By giving voice to the cognitive dissonance required to be a woman under the patriarchy, you robbed it of its power.” — Barbie
  • “We mothers stand still so our daughters can look back to see how far they have come.” — Ruth 

Funny Barbie quotes

  • “She thinks I’m a fascist? I don’t control the railways or the flow of commerce!” — Barbie
  • “Look, I’m just hanging down with my bro-homies having a brewski beer in my Mojo Dojo Casa House.” — Ken
  • “What? You think the lady who invented Barbie looked like Barbie? Ha! I’m a five foot nothing Grandma with a double mastectomy and tax evasion issues.” — Ruth
  • “Do you know how many times I’ve just wanted to stand up in a board meeting and say, ‘Let’s just tickle each other!’” — Mattel CEO
  • “Jeez, you would think a construction site at lunchtime would be the perfect place for a little woman-power.” — Barbie
Barbie quotes
  • “There’s no ‘just Ken.’ That’s why I was created. I only exist within the warmth of your gaze. Without it, I’m just a little blond guy who can’t do flips.” — Ken
  • “We sell dreams, imagination, and sparkle. And when you think of sparkle, what do you think of next? Female agency.” — Mattel CEO
  • “Shredding waves is much more dangerous than people realize.” — Ken
  • “I don’t know exactly what you meant by all those little quips, but I’m picking up on some sort of entendre, which appears to be double.” — Barbie
  • “To be honest, when I found out the patriarchy wasn’t about horses, I lost interest anyways.” — Ken
Barbie quotes
  • “Goodnight Barbies! I’m definitely not thinking about death any more!” — Barbie
  • “Does the label ‘long-term long-distance low-commitment casual girlfriend’ mean nothing to her?” — Ken
  • “Women are at the foundation of this company! There was a female CEO in the 90s and then another one ... at some point. So that’s two right there!” — Mattel CEO
  • “I don’t have anything big planned, just a giant blow-out party with all the Barbies, with planned choreography and a bespoke song. But you can stop by, sure.” — Barbie