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Hot Honey Grilled Chicken Thighs with Sweet Chili Sauce

Cook Time:
20 mins
Prep Time:
10 mins

Chef notes

There are some ingredient combinations that are truly iconic: Peanut butter and chocolate. Caramel and sea salt. Hot sauce and honey. The latter’s sweet and spicy pairing  is as versatile as it is irresistible — drizzle it atop biscuits, pork chops and even pizza when you’re seeking a kick. 

The condiment is especially good on chicken, be it fried or, in this case, grilled. Hot honey makes its appearance in the form of a barbecue seasoning that combines sweet (honey granules, sugar), spicy (cayenne, chili pepper) and umami (garlic and onion powders, ground cumin). Honey granules are a dried, ground version of the sweet golden liquid that can be used in dried preparations like this or in instances — such as cold beverages — that call for quick and easy dissolving.

The hot honey seasoning is used to marinate boneless skinless chicken thighs. Be sure to give the marinade at least 15 minutes to work its way into the meat before tossing it onto the grill. Once the thighs are nearly done, slather a Sriracha-honey glaze on top and allow it to cook over low heat to achieve a smoky, sticky char.

This grilled chicken pairs nicely with a side of grilled vegetables and a bowl of rice, tucked inside a brioche bun with a creamy slaw or even chopped into small pieces for tacos.

Swap Option: Feel free to try this recipe using chicken breasts, salmon, pork chops or pork tenderloin. You may need to adjust the cook time accordingly.

Technique Tip: Be sure to clean and oil your grill before cooking on it.

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