Rakesh Sood
Articles by Rakesh Sood

The future trajectory of India’s oldest partnership

India and France celebrate a 25-year-old strategic partnership, however, bilateral economic ties and people-to-people connections need further development.

French President Emmanuel Macron and India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi during their meeting in Paris. (AFP picture)
Published on Jul 20, 2023 10:19 PM IST

Global implications of Erdogan’s historic win

The 2023 election took place against two negative developments, a weak economy, and the devastating earthquake in February

Erdogan’s nimble foreign policy in recent years helped him establish an image as a nationalist. (REUTERS)
Published on Jun 12, 2023 09:53 AM IST

It’s time to tweak the nuclear policy

In 1998, India became a nuclear-weapon State. Navigating the existing and new geopolitical hurdles will need policy adjustments

The Vajpayee government reached out to key countries to ensure that India was seen as a responsible nuclear power (HT PHOTO)
Updated on May 14, 2023 06:17 PM IST

A new model of nuclear arms control is needed

Russia’s move to walk out of the New START pact reflects a new power rivalry in a multipolar world, and shows that old models of nuclear arms control negotiated in a bipolar era are fraying

During the bipolar era, it was perceived that with the advent of nuclear weapons, wars between major powers would be disincentivised. However, the real problem is that nuclear weapons did not create any incentives for conflict resolution. Putin’s recent speech reflects this reality. (Shutterstock)
Published on Feb 28, 2023 07:56 PM IST

As prospects of arms control wane, the rise of nuclear risks

Whichever way the conflict ends, one outcome is clear: Nuclear weapons are here to stay and any prospects for nuclear arms control and nuclear disarmament have receded further.

Growing nuclear rhetoric, together with new nuclear doctrines defining new roles for nuclear weapons, are being explored by the major nuclear powers. (AP)
Updated on Mar 08, 2022 07:58 PM IST

Putin is forcing a third reordering of Europe

 A reordering of the European security map is underway; the diplomatic challenge is to achieve it without a destructive war

Russian President Vladimir Putin gestures during a press conference with French President Emmanuel Macron, Moscow, Russia, February 7, 2022 (REUTERS)
Updated on Feb 08, 2022 08:41 PM IST
ByRakesh Sood

The beginning of a new nuclear arms race?

The old arms control model was a product of a bipolar world. The real challenge is creating a new model to deal with rising nuclear risks in a multipolar world

Statements and actions by the US, Russian, and Chinese leaders indicate growing tensions, with rapidly receding prospects of any arms control (AFP)
Updated on Jan 12, 2022 08:00 PM IST
ByRakesh Sood

AUKUS: How not to win friends

An announcement meant to create ripples in the Indo-Pacific has created waves across the Atlantic. But this gives France and India an opportunity

Now that the US has breached the taboo regarding nuclear propulsion, the time has come for India and France to set a new milestone for strengthening their strategic partnership (REUTERS)
Updated on Sep 24, 2021 07:50 PM IST
ByRakesh Sood

From 2001 to 2021, the return of the age of strategic rivalry

The Taliban, ably helped by Pakistan, the US’s frontline ally in its global war on terror, has badly dented the notion of US invincibility. Despite President Joe Biden’s efforts in recent months to reassure allies that “America is back”, there is a wariness about both US commitment and its competence.

Twenty years ago, the events of 9/11 changed the world, hurtling it into a new era. A “global war on terror” was launched. That era has ended, and presumably, so has America’s global war on terror. (REUTERS)
Updated on Sep 12, 2021 07:46 PM IST
ByRakesh Sood

The return of the Islamic Emirate

The US did not fight a 20-year war. It fought a one-year war, 20 times over. But in this period, Afghanistan has changed too

A member of Taliban forces inspects the area outside Hamid Karzai International Airport in Kabul, Afghanistan. (REUTERS)
Updated on Aug 19, 2021 01:44 PM IST
ByRakesh Sood

Theocracy and elections: The Iran way

While the supreme leader is there for life (or till he chooses to retire), the president is limited to two four-year terms, defining where the balance of power rests between them

Representational image. (AP)
Updated on Jun 23, 2021 03:44 PM IST
ByRakesh Sood

In Kabul, be ready for political uncertainty

The political reality is that the Taliban had more loyal and consistent backers in Pakistan and the Inter-Services Intelligence, while the Kabul government steadily lost legitimacy because of its own incompetence and disunity, and because its backers in the West eventually lost patience and interest. By end-2021, the US may have ended its longest war, but for Afghanistan, the uncertainties are only increasing.

US Special Representative for Afghanistan Reconciliation Zalmay Khalilzad (L) and Taliban co-founder Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar (R) shake hands after signing the peace agreement between US, Taliban, Doha, 29, 2020 (Anadolu Agency via Getty Images)
Updated on Mar 25, 2021 08:04 PM IST
ByRakesh Sood

Pakistan: Where fact and fiction come together

A fictional narrative by a former ISI chief exposes Pakistan’s political reality and the role of the army

Into this mix comes a thinly-disguised novel calling out those manipulating democratic politics and hinting at internal differences within the establishment(Shutterstock)
Updated on Nov 20, 2020 08:36 PM IST
ByRakesh Sood

The challenge ahead for terror-hit France | Opinion

The challenge for France is not easy. The idea that education, hard work and following French laws and customs led to upward mobility has been challenged in recent years and Covid-19 has only highlighted it

Secularism or(AFP)
Updated on Oct 31, 2020 10:27 PM IST
ByRakesh Sood

NPT at 50: Celebration or mid-life crisis?

The treaty reflects Cold War realities. It is increasingly irrelevant in a new multipolar world, marked by asymmetry

A 2017 file photo of North Korea's Hwasong-10 missile, which reportedly can carry a nuclear warhead. All countries except four (India, Israel and Pakistan that never joined, and North Korea that withdrew in 2003) are parties to the NPT(AP)
Updated on Mar 12, 2020 07:35 PM IST
ByRakesh Sood

What the Afghan peace deal means | Opinion

The question is whether it is a US-Taliban deal or an Afghan peace deal. We don’t know that yet

The deal allows Trump to deliver on his promise of bringing the soldiers home(AFP)
Published on Mar 01, 2020 06:07 PM IST
ByRakesh Sood

Opinion| Why France is a reliable strategic partner for India

From geopolitics to space cooperation, Paris has always been supportive of New Delhi’s decisions

French President Emmanuel Macron and Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Elysee Palace in Paris, France, June 3, 2017(AP)
Updated on Jan 20, 2020 05:45 AM IST
ByRakesh Sood

Imran’s paradox: Legal wins, political troubles

Recent verdicts have strengthened civilian authority in principle, but left the PM in a spot with the army

Pakistan’s Prime Minister Imran Khan in Tehran, Iran, October 13, 2019(REUTERS)
Published on Dec 25, 2019 05:33 PM IST
ByRakesh Sood

The interplay between China, the United States, and India

As China rises, racing ahead in emerging technologies, there are implications for both Washington and Delhi

Physical, social and physiological lives of human beings and societies are being rapidly digitalised(Getty Images/iStockphoto)
Published on Dec 18, 2019 06:48 PM IST
ByRakesh Sood

How Delhi and Paris became friends | Opinion

India and France have a shared interest in developing a coalition of middle powers committed to multipolarity

India and France can look back at the relationship with satisfaction, but there is much greater potential(REUTERS)
Updated on Aug 27, 2019 07:32 AM IST
ByRakesh Sood

Alienation of migrants at root of France’s jihadi problem

France is particularly vulnerable to the threat of home-grown terrorists, given that among European countries, it has one of the largest immigrant populations, drawn largely from former colonies in Africa. It is estimated six million, nearly 10% of the French population, are Muslims.

A woman cries at a memorial for victims killed in the Bastille Day tragedy in Nice. Eighty four were killed when a man drove a truck into crowds watching fireworks in the port town to mark the French National Day.(Reuters)
Updated on Jul 15, 2016 10:20 PM IST
ByRakesh Sood

Paris attacks: Increasing radicalisation of youths in recent years

Radicalisation among young Muslims has been growing in recent years, particularly after the Iraq war. Hundreds of French nationals are reported to have gone to join the war in Syria, the second highest number from a European country after Britain.

Dried blood can be seen on the window of the Carillon cafe in Paris, a day after over 120 people were killed in a series of shooting and explosions.(AP Photo)
Updated on Nov 15, 2015 09:58 AM IST
Hindustan Times | ByRakesh Sood
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