Sridhar Rajagopalan
Articles by Sridhar Rajagopalan

Four ways to conduct a fair, top-quality NEET

The sanctity of the test needs to be upheld at all costs. It can be done with a few tweaks

Bhopal: Students raise slogans during a protest over the alleged irregularities in NEET 2024 results, in Bhopal, Friday, June 14, 2024. (PTI Photo)(PTI06_14_2024_000233B)(PTI)
Published on Jun 20, 2024 05:31 AM IST

6 ways to tweak CUET and fulfil NEP’s promise

CUET faced fewer technical glitches and increased student participation this year, but the quality of the assessment needs improvement

The rationale behind CUET is simple: It is fairer and easier on students and colleges to have one common entrance test for admission to non-professional college courses across the country (Representational)
Published on Aug 17, 2023 09:55 PM IST

India’s public exam system needs reform

Most Indian exams today focus on measuring routine cognitive skills which are responsible for the kind of questions prone to leaks and copying. Four steps can be taken to address this

Most Indian exams today focus on measuring routine cognitive skills which are responsible for the kind of questions prone to leaks and copying. Four steps can be taken to address this (HT PHOTO)
Updated on Mar 19, 2023 08:42 PM IST

How to create a high-quality CUET

Focus on developing a good test which tests higher-order skills and is challenging enough for students. It should not be based only on the Class 12 textbook but on applications of the content of Classes 11 and 12

A good — and fair — selection of candidates is the first step toward creating a high-quality higher education system. This, in turn, is the first step to creating a research-and-innovation-based society (Hindustan Times)
Published on Oct 03, 2022 07:42 PM IST

CUET needs tweaks to ensure quality testing

While a welcome step towards a high-quality entrance exam, cracks in its implementation exist. These must be sealed to ensure that college aspirants are not pushed towards rote-learning over critical thinking

A good test should have questions at varying levels of difficulty including some that only the best-performing students can answer – with all questions being compulsory. (Representative Image)
Published on Apr 11, 2022 08:33 PM IST

Why we have decided to donate for education

My wife Aparna and I are donating our wealth because we believe it would contribute to creating a caring and equitable society

I remember after completing my engineering, people asked me if I would be going to the United States. I felt then as I have seen firsthand now, that it is easy for some of us to choose an option that makes life comfortable for ourselves. But the real challenge is to do something that can help make life in India easier– not just for ourselves – but a larger number of Indians.(HT Photo)
Updated on Oct 18, 2019 07:13 PM IST
BySridhar Rajagopalan

Does India really need a New Education Policy to achieve educational equity?

Does India really need a New Education Policy? Is our educational reform held back by the datedness of the 1986/1992 education policy which was written before the internet and mobile phones?

Updated on Jul 24, 2019 03:06 PM IST
BySridhar Rajagopalan

Unpacking the PISA test: Why do Indians struggle with certain types of tests?

India participated in a modern international assessment for the first time in 2009-10 when some students from Tamil Nadu and Himachal Pradesh appeared in the PISA test. However, we performed very poorly – ranking 73rd out of 74 countries that participated that round, finishing ahead of only Kazakhstan.

(Arvind Yadav/HT PHOTO)
Published on Jul 10, 2019 12:26 PM IST
BySridhar Rajagopalan
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