
First rain brings respite but leaves Aligarh waterlogged

Jun 24, 2024 08:53 PM IST

The Aligarh mayor promised that the rainy season ahead will see a better prepared Aligarh Nagar Nigam

Extensive rains bought much needed respite from the heatwave for Aligarh residents on Monday, but the first rain of the season exposed the claims made by civic authorities about cleaning drains. Most of the prominent localities and roads remained water-logged.

Water logged roads and localities in Aligarh after the first rain on Monday. (HT Photo)
Water logged roads and localities in Aligarh after the first rain on Monday. (HT Photo)

“There were tall claims made about the cleaning of drains this time. Water-logging in Aligarh seems to be an annual problem rising every time it rains, and often to dangerous consequences for those on the roads,” said a resident of Aligarh, who complained that the situation has not changed despite Aligarh now being a smart city.

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However, Aligarh mayor, Prashant Singhal, promised that the rainy season ahead will see a better prepared Aligarh Nagar Nigam.

“The rains on Monday in Aligarh were the first of the season but for hours together, thus, leaving many roads and localities water-logged,” Singhal said.

“We have bought two powerful pumping stations at Punjabi Bagh and Ramateela which will be operational within a week and will resolve water-logging to a large extent,” he said.

Talking about the drainage system in Aligarh, the mayor admitted that it needed a total overhaul, and the Aligarh Nagar Nigam was on it.

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