
Is triple hair washing the secret to great hair in summer?

By Ismat Tahseen
May 14, 2024 01:59 PM IST

Washing your hair with this technique has become a popular trend on social media.

You've probably washed your twice on more than one occasion to get rid of oil, sebum, perspiration and dirt build-up. Now, just make that 3x. That's right. Triple hair washing - a fad that jumped from TikTok into everyday life - could be just what you need in the hot summer days. Like its name, it's about washing the hair thrice for a cleaner result. 

Get set to wash your hair not twice, but thrice, thanks to a beauty trend (Shutterstock)
Get set to wash your hair not twice, but thrice, thanks to a beauty trend (Shutterstock)

What each wash tackles
Explaining about this, Anisha Nagpal, hair expert, shares, “Triple washing is the process of shampooing the hair three times consecutively during a single wash. This method is often employed to thoroughly cleanse the scalp and hair strands, removing dirt, oil, and product build-up effectively. The first wash helps to loosen dirt and excess oils, while the second wash ensures a deeper cleanse, reaching stubborn residues. The third wash is usually for ensuring the hair is squeaky clean and ready for conditioning or any additional treatments. While triple washing can be beneficial for those with particularly oily or dirty hair, it's essential to use a gentle shampoo and follow up with a good, moisturizing conditioner to prevent excessive drying.”

It's supposed to be apt for the hot weather. She agrees. “Triple hair washing, especially during the scorching summer months, can be a game changer for maintaining healthy hair! Here’s why - first it helps to rid the scalp of excess sweat, oil and dirt that can accumulate due to heat and humidity, preventing clogged pores and potential scalp issues."

Strike a balance to avoid hair becoming dry and brittle 
Adds Nagpal, “Secondly frequent washing can reduce the build up of environmental pollutants like dust which can weigh down hair and make it look dull. Lastly, using a nourishing shampoo and conditioner duo can replenish moisture lost from the sun’s rays and keep hair hydrated and vibrant.”

There is a note of caution here. She says, “It’s essential to strike a balance and not over-wash, as excessive cleansing can strip the hair of its natural oils, leading to dryness and brittleness of the hair.”


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