
4.1 magnitude earthquake rattles the California, ‘floor started to bouncing’ say residents

ByBhavika Rathore
Jun 25, 2024 08:57 AM IST

California suffered an earthquake on Monday and its shocks were felt through Kern County.

An earthquake of 4.1 magnitude hit California on Monday at 06:31 pm EDT. The tremors of the earthquake were felt across Kern County and residents shared reports of shaking from regions of Ventura, Mericapo, and Santa Barbara. As reported by iHeart Radio, the United States Geological Survey (USGS) pointed out that the earthquake's epicentre was 24 kilometres away in the Southwest direction of Lamon, California. The land plates shook at a depth of 12.1. The tremors of the earthquake were also felt in the region of Bakersfield.

An earthquake of 4.1 struck California and its tremors were felt in the nearby regions of Kern County, Bakersfield and more.
An earthquake of 4.1 struck California and its tremors were felt in the nearby regions of Kern County, Bakersfield and more.

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‘Floor started to bounce up and down’, California resident

The earthquake in California alerted the residents of various regions in the state. As reported by iHeart Radio, the USGS received a total of 472 reports from residents regarding the shakes felt during the 4.1 magnitude quake.

One Lebac resident reported they felt “the floor started to bounce up and down”. In further explanation, the first few land tremors felt the heaviest and after a few seconds of quiet, the small tremors could be felt which might have lasted up to 10-15 seconds.

A resident from Bakersfield wrote the earthquake lasted for 30 seconds where it shook the desk and chair back and forth. However, he added, “I’ve grown up in California born and raised and I love them. They don’t scare me”.

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Previous tremors shook California this month

The earthquake on Monday was not the first one to hit the state and it followed hours after 2.9 magnitude shook the taste of Los Angeles. According to the USGS reports, the California state was struck with an earthquake of magnitude 4.5 earlier in the month on June 9. The epicentre of the earthquake was in The Geysers and the tremors were located at a depth of 3.6 kilometers.

Another earthquake that shook the land of California was on June 6 with a magnitude of 3.6 and its epicentre was located in Newport Beach. The first week of June witnessed two earthquakes on June 2 and June 4 with magnitudes 6.3 and 3.0 respectively.

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