Call for experts concluded

21 May 2024
Expression of interest

The Convention Secretariat is pleased to report that it received a large number of high quality submissions in response to the call for individual experts to participate in the work of the expert groups established pursuant to decisions FCTC/COP10(12) and FCTC/COP10(13) of the Conference of the Parties to the WHO FCTC at its Tenth Session (COP10).

Those experts who have been selected under the guidance of the COP10 Bureau to participate in one of the expert groups have been notified by email.

The Convention Secretariat wishes to express its deep gratitude to all individuals who signaled their interest and took the time to demonstrate their technical expertise through the submission of their CVs.

We trust that the Convention Secretariat can continue to rely on the great interest and wealth of experience evident in this impressive response as we move forward in our collective work to advance the implementation of the WHO FCTC.




21 April 2024

At its tenth session, the Conference of the Parties (COP) to the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (WHO FCTC) decided to (i) establish an expert group on forward-looking tobacco control measures in line with decision FCTC/COP10(12) and to (ii) re-establish an expert group on the implementation of Article 19 of the WHO FCTC on liability in line with decision FCTC/COP10(13).

The Secretariat of the WHO FCTC is launching this call for the nomination of experts to participate in the work of the expert groups pursuant to the decisions of the COP. Individuals with appropriate technical experience relevant to the mandate of an expert group and wishing to be considered for participation in that group may submit their CVs through the links below. Experts who meet the criteria, including in respect of Article 5.3 of the WHO FCTC, and are selected by the COP Bureau will be notified by the Secretariat.

Each expert group will consist of a maximum of 12 experts and two observers. Experts will serve on a pro bono basis and will not be remunerated. Meetings of the expert groups may be virtual only; should an in-person meeting be held, flight and per diem (for hotel and meals) will be funded, in keeping with COP travel policy.
For any further information or clarification, please write to:

1. Expert group on forward-looking tobacco control measures that could be contemplated within the scope of Article 2.1 of the WHO FCTC
The Secretariat of the WHO FCTC is seeking up to 12 individual experts to participate in the expert group on forward-looking tobacco control measures that could be contemplated within the scope of Article 2.1 of the WHO FCTC in line with decision FCTC/COP10(12). The expert group is mandated:
(i) to identify and describe forward-looking tobacco control measures and measures that expand or intensify approaches to tobacco control as they apply to tobacco products, and that may be contemplated by the expert group within the scope of Article 2.1, taking into account the Guidelines for implementation of the WHO FCTC;
(ii) to consider, in conducting its research and elaborating its findings, Party experience and published literature, as well as any other source of information that it may find appropriate, and properly reference all sources; and

(iii) to prepare a report to be submitted to the Eleventh session of the COP on the above matters.

Individuals with appropriate technical experience relevant to the mandate of the expert group may submit their CVs through the application form available here. Only complete applications (including attachments) received through the online form by 3 May 2024 will be considered.

2. Expert group on the implementation of Article 19 of the WHO FCTC on liability
The Secretariat of the WHO FCTC is seeking up to 12 individual experts to participate in the re-established expert group on the implementation of Article 19 of the WHO FCTC on liability in line with decision FCTC/COP10(13). The expert group is mandated:
(i) to review and collect information in respect of the practice that has evolved at Party level, taking into account the work being done in relevant international fora, and support Parties, as relevant, to strengthen their criminal and civil liability regimes, including administrative measures, to ensure accountability and deterrence, improve access to justice, and allow for effective remedies for those affected by tobacco harms, on a voluntary basis and upon request by the Parties;
(ii) to provide options for Parties to detect and counter tobacco industry efforts to evade applicable liability regimes or to undermine tobacco control, including through corporate reorganization or investments;
(iii) to explore the possible development of a methodology that estimates or quantifies the health care costs borne due to tobacco use, in order to support Parties in collecting evidence to be used in tobacco-related litigation; and

(iv) to report on its work at the Eleventh session of the Conference of the Parties.

Individuals with appropriate technical experience relevant to the mandate of the expert group may submit their CVs through the application form available here. Only complete applications (including attachments) received through the online form by 3 May 2024 will be considered.