Information for media

Information for media

The Tenth session of the Conference of the Parties to the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (WHO FCTC) and the Third session of the Meeting of the Parties to the Protocol to Eliminate Illicit Trade in Tobacco Products, is taking place in Panama City.

Media accreditation procedures

Correspondents wishing to cover COP10 and/or MOP3 need to be accredited.

In line with the current United Nations policies and WHO policies for media accreditation to the World Health Assembly, and in accordance with the COP decision FCTC/COP8(12) and FCTC/MOP1(15), the members of the media shall be required to submit to the Convention Secretariat, at the following email address:



 - the application for media accreditation form duly filled out on the following links;

Registration for COP10

Registration for MOP3

- a letter signed by their editor-in-chief or equivalent supervisor, indicating the reason for accreditation and the dates for which accreditation is required;

- photocopies of media credentials (press identification card);

- a copy of their national passport.

Working hours for COP10

First day of the COP10

10:00–13:00 (EST) Opening ceremony and first plenary meeting

14:00–17:00 (EST) Plenary or committee meetings

Rest of the week

10:00–13:00 (EST) Plenary or committee meetings
14:00–17:00 (EST) Plenary or committee meetings

Last day of the session

10:00–17:00 (EST) Plenary and closing


Working hours for MOP3

First day of the MOP3

10:00–13:00 (EST) Opening ceremony and first plenary meeting

14:00–17:00 (EST) Plenary or committee meetings

Rest of the week

10:00–13:00 (EST) Plenary or committee meetings

14:00–17:00 (EST) Plenary and closing

Open or restricted sessions

In accordance with Rule 32 of the Rules of Procedure of the COP, sessions of the COP shall be held in public, unless the COP decides that they shall be open or restricted. Unless the Parties decide otherwise, accredited media shall be entitled to attend the open sessions of the COP. In accordance with Rule 2, paragraph 10, accredited media may attend the public sessions

In addition, in accordance with Rule 24quinquies, the meetings of the committees of the COP shall be held in public unless the committee concerned decides that they shall be open or restricted.

In accordance with Rule 32 of the Rules of Procedure of the MOP, sessions of the MOP shall be held in public, unless the MOP decides that they shall be open or restricted. Unless the Parties decide otherwise, accredited media shall be entitled to attend the open sessions of the MOP In accordance with Rule 2 paragraph 12 accredited media may attend the public sessions.

In addition, in accordance with Rule 24quinquies, the meetings of the committees of the MOP shall be held in public unless the committee concerned decides that they shall be open or restricted.


Updates for the media

Updates for correspondents will be posted on the COP10 and MOP3 pages under Press / media during the meetings. 


 🎤 Press conferences and media briefings

At least three virtual / hybrid press conferences will be scheduled before and during COP10 and MOP3 and daily press briefing will take place during the meetings. Further details will be provided in due course. Please regularly visit the section of the WHO FCTC website dedicated to the media in order to stay informed and updated.


Daily media briefing sessions

8:30 am

5:30 pm

Virtual / hybrid closing Press Conference of the COP10

Date/Time: Saturday 10 of February 2024/ Time TBC

Speakers: Head of the Secretariat, COP President

Subject: Closure and outcome of COP10


Virtual / hybrid closing Press Conference of the MOP3

Date/Time: Thursday 15 of February 2024/Time TBC

Speakers: Head of the Secretariat, COP President

Subject: Closure and outcome of MOP3

For any question regarding accreditation or for media enquiries please send an email to