Happymon Jacob
Articles by Happymon Jacob

The Swiss “Peace Summit” and the competing impulses of war and peace

For the war to end, it is important to address Russia’s NATO concerns as it is to address Kyiv’s current and future security concerns.

This photograph shows the Swiss flag sets among the flags of the other countries during a plenary session at the Summit on peace in Ukraine, at the luxury Burgenstock resort, near Lucerne, on June 16, 2024. The two-day gathering brings together Ukrainian President and more than 50 other heads of state and government, to try to work out a way towards a peace process for Ukraine -- albeit without Russia. (Photo by URS FLUEELER / POOL / AFP)(AFP)
Published on Jun 24, 2024 07:00 AM IST

Grand Strategy: Time to reset the rules of the game in South Asia

China’s approach has changed from co-existence with India to containment in the neighbourhood. New Delhi needs to shift the goalposts

South Asian government leaders at PM Narendra Modi’s swearing-in ceremony in Delhi (PTI Photo)(PTI06_10_2024_000011B) (PTI)
Published on Jun 16, 2024 08:14 PM IST

Grand Strategy: Coalition governments don’t necessarily mean weak foreign policy

The newly sworn-in NDA government’s foreign policy would be influenced by coalition dynamics, but that is unlikely to weaken the country’s foreign policy.

President Droupadi Murmu and Vice President Jagdeep Dhankhar with Prime Minister Narendra Modi and his council of ministers at the Rashtrapati Bhavan on Sunday.
Published on Jun 10, 2024 07:45 AM IST

Grand Strategy: A rising India needs to think like a great power

As a start, the government must formulate a security strategy document keeping in mind the country’s objectives and the strategic environment it must operate in

In developing a grand strategy for India, the first step is to undertake an objective assessment of the world we live in (PTI/Archive)
Published on Jun 02, 2024 11:26 PM IST

It’s not a surgical strike. It’s an open-heart surgery, and there will be bleeding

The BJP thinks that its radical steps are a magic bullet for all of Kashmir’s ills. This is an incorrect assessment

The easy part, of issuing a Presidential order, and announcing it in the Parliament, while keeping a tight grip on the security situation in the valley, is over. Now comes the difficult part of justifying the constitutionality of the decision, and this would most definitely lead to a long drawn out legal battle(PTI)
Updated on Aug 05, 2019 09:01 PM IST
ByHappymon Jacob

Law that should go: Supreme Court challenges Afspa’s ‘license to kill’

If it is not practical to remove draconian laws entirely, why not begin by a partial withdrawal or even amending some of their sections?

A protester throws a rock at policemen in Srinagar. Afspa, a law which gives security forces sweeping powers, was imposed in Kashmir in 1990.(AP)
Published on Jul 08, 2016 07:59 PM IST
ByHappymon Jacob

What North Korea’s ‘hydrogen bomb’ means for Asia and the world

North Korea’s claim of having successfully tested a thermonuclear device, if true, could have serious implications for the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons and the balance of power in the Korean Peninsula.

Officers from the Korea Meteorological Administration point at the epicentre of seismic waves in North Korea, at the National Earthquake and Volcano Centre of the Korea Meteorological Administration in Seoul, South Korea. North Korea said it conducted a powerful hydrogen bomb test Wednesday.(AP Photo)
Updated on Jan 07, 2016 01:48 AM IST
ByHappymon Jacob

The devil lies within: What can spoil the India-US nuke deal

The India-US nuclear agreement looks well poised to become operational, but not yet. While some of the key political stumbling blocks have been taken care of by the two governments, New Delhi needs to carefully consider many critical issues and overcome a number of hurdles before being able to produce more nuclear energy.

Updated on Jan 28, 2015 11:26 PM IST
ByHappymon Jacob
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